u:cris Research Information System

The new u:cris portal is here: New look, new link!

As of now, the University of Vienna presents the research information system u:cris with a new portal and a new link (ucrisportal.univie.ac.at/en/) for showcasing the achievements of the university's researchers. It offers additional features, an improved interface, and more options for researchers and organisational units to present academic achievements.

The research information system u:cris of the University of Vienna is a service provided by the Vienna University Library and the service unit Research Services and Career Development. It serves to document and present research achievements and is the basis for reports and analyses.

What is new?

The new portal offers a number of improvements and new features:

  • A well-structured start page with additional entry points for searches via the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and via a cooperation map
  • New layout of the profile pages for researchers and organisational units
  • SDGs, Altmetric Donut and PlumX on profiles, publications and activities

For more information and the opportunity to ask questions, attend our u:cris training sessions and u:cris consultaion hours or our u:cris-Wiki.

 u:cris login

In the backend of the u:cris-database you can

  • edit your profile
  • enter/validate publications, activities and other content types and
  • export reports in various formats.

 u:cris portal

The u:cris-portal is the public representation of the research activities of the University of Vienna registered in u:cris.

Browse through the faculties, centres, institutes and departments and discover publications and activities of the researchers.


 u:cris wiki

In the wiki you will find more detailed information on u:cris and the u:cris-portal as well as on editorial roles, instructions, training and legal issues.





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